Tuesday, July 22, 2014

About SECATT Creation

              SECATT Script Creation Procedure: In SAP Implementation or System Migration Phase one of the major activities is User Administration, which includes user creation, setting initial password etc.
Suppose if there is a requirement of says more than 500
users ID creation. Imagine the efforts of using SU01.

The extended Computer Aided Test Tool (T code: SECATT) will help us accomplish our goal in very short time.
Go to SECATT Transaction code and execute the entire process in 4 different phases as shown in below
Recording the User Creation:
1. Enter the script name (Recommended to start with Z for easily identify)
2. Click on Create Icon.
Enter the following inputs:
4) Person Responsible will be back filled automatically and is normally the user who is creating the Script
5) Component: BC-SEC (OR ANY)
6) Click Save
7) Click on Pattern button
8) In Create Object Directory Entry Dialog box, Select Local Object
In next screen
9) Select AllCOMMANDS for Group
10) Select TCD (Record) for Command
11) Enter SU01 for Transaction and press Enter. The Interface will be displayed automatically as SU01_1
12) Click Continue Check Mark


In the next screen will record the activity of SU01, Ensure that we don’t click any options that are not required, since every click or entry is recorded. So we need to be cautious at this stage.

Upon clicking the continue check Mark, you will see the User maintenance screen (SU01).Follow the steps as we create a User ID and Click SAVE.

13) To end the Recording Click Back button in SU01 Screen Click Yes Button.

14) Then Click SAVE to save the recorded test Script

Phase- 2:
Creating the Parameters:
                   Once the user creation is recorded, the VALINs (values that were entered during the recording) should be changed to parameter values. The below process need to follow to create the parameters:
1) Double Click on interface SU01_1 to initiate the Stimulation.
2) Expand DYNPRO Mode
3) Expand 1st set of Screen
4) Double Click on Field Mode
5) Double click on the value that was entered (in this example test001)
6) Change the VALIN Name with a parameter name (to Zusername as show in the below example)
7) Click on Back Button
8) Select the Import when prompted with the parameter Maintenance Screen
9) Click Yes
10) Repeat the same steps for others values that are entered during the recording.
11) Once completed the task then click on SAVE Button.
Phase- 3:
Creating test Configuration:
1. Enter the Test Configuration Name
2. Click on Create Icon
3) Enter the description for the Test Configuration
4) Select the Component
5) Click Save
6) Select Configuration Tab.
7) Assign the script with the Test Configuration ZCONFIG_CREATE_MASS_USER (which previously recorded)
7) Save and execute the Test Configuration and follow the steps
8)Select Utlilities and Setting
9) Select eCATT Tab and External Tab
10) Change the path for Ecatt Objects, Variants and WebDynpro to Desktop
11) Download the Variants using the “Variant Download” button
Phase - 4:
Updating and Uploading the Variant File:
1) The variant file will be saved in the desktop.
2) Open the Variant file in Excel to modify / add user, now add the details of users in the file and save.
Save the file in the same Format (Since excel file can’t be read by the script)
3) Click on Variants Tab
4) Select the variant file.
5) Click Execute
Once the Script is Successful, you will see the Green logs.
Now you are set to create mass users, next time just update the Variant file with required detail and execute the Test Configuration (ZCONFIG_CREATE_MASS_USER).
You can also create templates for Roles & Profiles using this procedure.                                   We have created the Mass User Creation with the help of above steps similarly; we can create scripts for any mass changes like role modifications etc.
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